Of Journeys...
...the hazy path is littered with broken hearts from forgotten tales of long ago, lain strewn on the path which many tortured souls have previously passed. Elapse tales of successes and failures is borne by the soul as its attempts to fulfill the chosen destiny as it naturally seeks to satisfy its innermost desires. Through this broken unrelenting maze, the journey seem naught bright and rosy, but a dark and forbidden undertaking, with no promise of success or failure in the end. For it is a journey, for which all souls must undertake one day, in order to achieve a higher sense of worth, and peace from within. It is the journey of all souls lost in the in the intricate maze of what is known as life. The paradox of life is such, and for the soul to carry on further into the dark unknown, there is but one flicker of hope, self perseverance, the ability to not give up when the cards are down, the ability to stand tall when all hope seems lost and when the promise of the next rays of sunshine may never appear on the horizon. It is through this unknowns and uncertainty, may the value of experiences be appreciated and fulfilled. It is also through this searching, the soul seeks to find its own redemption and self worth as it continues on this never-ending journey into the dark and forbidden unknown…