Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Broken Branch...


Backwards let my life rewind
Until my life is here no more.
No memory left that I had lived
Or ever entered this life's door.


Erase the words in poetry written
And the ones in life were spoken;
Release me now and I'll return
To nothingness and be forgotten.


A tiny seed that Christ pre-knew
And sent me here to be a tree
But I am barren and bare no fruit;
This broken branch I know as me.


Off the ground, please raise my limb
And gently secure it to the vine;
Remove the clouds that shadow me
And let the sun on me to shine.


The cry of Job, is what I pray?
That I return back to the womb?
To be remembered never more
Or visited within my tomb?

Nay, this cannot be, the words I say,
Or the things of which I pray.
For life is precious and so am I
As well as words I so deny
Within my writes, reveals my soul,
that let's you see the barren tree.
A tiny blossom, I see appear:
Just a bud, I see in me
And this I write upon a scroll.

-Gloria Sarasin-


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