Thursday, April 17, 2008

Of more photoes from the sea...

Fast Crew Boat approaching the platform from the deep blue sea...

Off to back home after work...

Blogging now from the sea. Some photoes taken over the past 3 weeks while in the sea.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Broken Branch...


Backwards let my life rewind
Until my life is here no more.
No memory left that I had lived
Or ever entered this life's door.


Erase the words in poetry written
And the ones in life were spoken;
Release me now and I'll return
To nothingness and be forgotten.


A tiny seed that Christ pre-knew
And sent me here to be a tree
But I am barren and bare no fruit;
This broken branch I know as me.


Off the ground, please raise my limb
And gently secure it to the vine;
Remove the clouds that shadow me
And let the sun on me to shine.


The cry of Job, is what I pray?
That I return back to the womb?
To be remembered never more
Or visited within my tomb?

Nay, this cannot be, the words I say,
Or the things of which I pray.
For life is precious and so am I
As well as words I so deny
Within my writes, reveals my soul,
that let's you see the barren tree.
A tiny blossom, I see appear:
Just a bud, I see in me
And this I write upon a scroll.

-Gloria Sarasin-