Saturday, July 15, 2006

Of searching...

The melody infused me, jarring at the core,
In my stillness, I was jolted to memories long ago,
Of happiness and sorrow of a lost rapport,
And the joy of rediscovering the impermanence of woe.
The given name ill-fits the divinity of One,
Omnipotent identity that needs no dividing line,
I am trying to re-establish, with all its permutations around,
of a one-ness with the One that I can again call mine.
-The Tripping Goddess -

A very interesting person left a reply in the form of a very good poem for my previously posted 'Sweet Lady' poem. I have published the poem above together with a picture obtained from her blog (I hope she doesn't mind. It fits the poem above) so that it can be immortalized next to my 'Sweet Lady'.

I thank this person for her lovely poem, and would like to respond in the form of a song below which always tugs at my heart because of its basic simplicity and yet the depth of its words. I chose this song in response to the above posted picture, of a person in the dark, staring deeply into a flickering flame, searching of thoughts far away and in a state of serene tranquility and peacefulness.

The picture is symbolic of the thoughts that run through every single person's minds of the uncertainties of the future, of where we have been in the past, of what we have done and what we are going to do, of the myriad of emotions that tug at our hearts in all directions, of the blinding darkness around us, and of hope that there is always light even in our darkest hours. It also serves to symbolize that even in our constant flux of thoughts, peacefulness and serenity still exist to produce a state of ones-ness with the LORD.

My frustration won’t subside,
I’ve been tried time after time,
But it’s not my style to quit, there’s more to life than this,
In obscurity or fame, we’re all playing this game,
Searching for something, searching for something.

Saturday in the morning and the rain keep falling,
Brother didn’t get no sleep now he’s really feeling beat,
But there is no time to waste as the devil tests his faith,
He walks away, with a mission to complete.

She has her hand on her jaw as she wonders away,
What will tomorrow bring,
Will her dreams just disappear?
She finds words are hard to say so she prays everyday,
She must find a way, may the pieces fall in place.

Looking, looking, looking, you will find,
Find you will be fine.

-Ziggy Marley--16.09.12
I hope she likes the song and has a chance to listen to it one day. Thank you Goddess...


Blogger Aragang said...

You flatter me :) Although I'm a bit shocked that that picture still exists somewhere in cyberspace ... not my best profile :-P

However, thank you for the sentiment and the kind words.

By the way, what PhD course are you planning to take next year?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006  
Blogger TheMindInTheHeart said...

Of course not! :) and it is a very nice picture. You humble yourself. Didn't know it was you in the picture though. You look very peaceful gazing into the flickering fire in the dark. Was sort of an inspiration for my last poetry 'Darkness on Mine'. Im hoping on doing a PhD in Strategic Mananagement and Economics if all goes well. What drove you to take up your Masters in psychology? Is it related to your field or a self interest? Must be a very interesting subject. I have been following Freud's works and writings and his theories since I was back in University and have become very pro-freudian in nature. Nice to hear from you again goddess. Do drop by frequently :) Hope to post up some new stuff if time permits. Take care...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006  

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